Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Top Googles that brought you to me lately

I was looking at the referrals that brought people to my page for the last couple weeks. These are some of the interesting ones
I learned that I'm 6th out of over 918,000 if you google "recreational herbs". Which is kind of ironic as I've never actually indulged.
3rd of 400,000+ in googling "how do I get rid of the smell of burned dinner in my apartment"
4th of 19 in "the sign of an insane mind" on German google
3rd for "evil-mart"
3rd for "Where did the Event Horizon GO???" rest assured reader, it's right here.
19th for "pencils" on google blog search
But only 56th of over a million if you were to google "sexy nurses taking it all off"

That's all I've got. I'm tapped out and going to bed.

Dream Jobs

One of my friends is in a band. He was telling Col. E. and I about it this past weekend when we went bowling. (I scored 119 in the third game. Pretty good for me.) He was saying that he's real excited about getting some gigs and that he has dreams about playing some awesome shows. If we all have dreams about our ideal lives (my friend dreaming about being a rockstar), what does it meant that I'm always fighting zombies, vampires, dinosaurs, and sometimes tornadoes and generally dealing with a myriad of supernatural crap? And that I do it very well?

My dream life is often more exicting and exhilerating than my waking life.

But then again, I don't ever get shot in real life.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Things I'm Thankful for

Authors who have brought to life so many stories that I’ve enjoyed
Blogging & Bloggers
My Cat who
is always happy to see me and loves me no matter what
Every time a plan comes together
Firefly & Futurama
Gorgeous guys who have the basic human decency to acknowledge my existence thereby allowing me to pretend that they’re flirting with me
Hocking Hills
Imagination which allows me to to vent my frustrations by visualizing the beating of the people who annoy me
Jarod, The Pretender
“Kick in the teeth/face” one of my favorite threats
Lazy days spent doing nothing and not dressing up
Mp3 player, used to block out my coworkers in the mornings
Noodles, the mainstay of my diet
Omnipotence with out which I could not rule you
Pizza, food of the gods; good when you get it and even better for breakfast
Quality friends, I love you guys
Revelry with amigos
Shoes that are comfortable and cute
Viggo Mortensen
Waterfalls & Winter
You tube
Zombies, even if they are unreliable they’re still an unending source of entertainment

Happy Thanksgiving

Monday, November 20, 2006


Sure it's an anomoly, I'm doing a post about football. I don't even follow sports, but the whoooole thing's about football. Don't know what to tell you.

So last week the local college was giving away tickets to their game in order to fill the stands to hit the 22,000 attendance mark to keep their division I status. (I think I got that right) When I commented that I thought divisions were based off school size (like high school divisions), or something else that made sense my friend 'Bert asked "Would you want to go see Ohio State play them in the Rose Bowl?" I answered, "All I know about football this year is that Rutgers is undefeated so far." And that is from reading Lozo's Blog . [Well, they're not anymore sad to say.]

I didn't watch the Rutgers game, but I did watch the OSU/Micigan game and part of the Cal/USC game. That's the most football I've watched in one day evAR. Normally I don't get into football, but I felt like watching the OSU/Mich game. It's such a huge freaking deal around here, although the rivalry is usually taken more lightly than in Columbus or Ann Arbor, we don't have riots over the game. Which might be kind of odd since we're near the Ohio/Michigan border and it's the "Border Battle". Unfortunately I don't feel like looking up the specifics of it, but there was once almost a war between the two states over who controlled the eight mile wide strip of land that included the port city of Toledo. Ohio got Toledo and Michigan got the Upper Penninsula (a deal that at the time meant diddly squat even though that's a hell of a lot more land). At any rate, that was the beginning of it all.

I don't know why I watched the second game. Maybe the generations of American blood in my veins was stirred. I was seized by the Red, the White, and the Blue to watch football. The great american sport blahbliddyblahblargleblah, etc.

Yeah right. I don't mind a little football now and then, and it was something to listen to while I did housework and cross stitching. (Ok so it's a little addicting)

And one more thing about football. Last night I was flipping through channels and there was football on the Canadian channel. And not soccer, American football! I was like "wtf?" The British Columbia Lions were playing the Montreal Alouettes (spelling? ). At least I think that's what they said they were, Alouettes. More "wtf?" on that.

I didn't know there were any football teams in Canada. Soccer? yes. Hockey? duh. But football? Professional football? would not have been my guess. CFL - the Canadian Football League...who'd've thunk?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Smells like Burning

Monday night I came home from work and the hall of my apartment building smelled like smoke. Not cigarette smoke or smoke from recreational herbs. Smoke like something caught on fire.
When I walked into my apartment the smell of burning was even stronger.
Me: It smells like burning in here.
Roommate: Oh, yeah, I had a fire today.
Me: What?
Roommate: I was cooking some hashbrowns and I turned my back on the oil for, like, 5 seconds, and when I turned back it was on fire. So I used some of your backing soda to put it out.
Me: Uh-ok. What's with all the candles?
Roommate: Oh, I was trying to get rid of the smell, but then I realized that most of these are unscented, so that didn't help.
Me: Um.
*I brought out some inscense and lit it*
Roommate: I forgot about that, I would have used that if I had remembered you had it.
Me: It was in my room.
Roommate: Oh.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I used to have this bitchin’ mechanical pencil. A fancy, expensive one; the kind you refill the lead and eraser instead of just pitching it when you run out of lead and the eraser goes all flat so that you rip the paper instead of erasing. It also had the little clicker to advance the lead (by the way I do know it’s graphite) on the side instead of the eraser end. I know that some people are firmly in the eraser end clicker camp, and that’s O.K. I don’t mind, but I prefer the side clicker lead advancer. And after being introduced to mechanical pencils I have never gone back to regular ones. They get all dull and blurry and then you have to sharpen them. Besides the lazy factor I always felt like a total dork when I had to get up in class to use the pencil sharpener.
Anyway, I had this pencil, and it rocked. Now that I’m drawing all the time (and I use mechanical pencils for drawing too) I was wondering where that pencil was. A complete lack of searching for it has failed to turn it up from the endless cache of clutter I call my bedroom/office/TV lounge/library/place where I keep my crap. Much to my dismay I have been unable to locate a replacement at any of the stores I have shopped at recently. The only pencils I saw with the side clicker had those dorky rubber grips. I don’t like them and I don’t get them. They don’t make holding a pencil any more comfortable for me. They make it awkward and hard to hold. The last thing I need is a poor grip on my writing utensil. I’m in charge of this operation and the thing had better go where I point it. You have to watch those bastards every minute.

Example: once upon a time, before the dark times, before the Divorce. Winter lived in a nice home with her parents and her two sisters and their dog plus whatever other pets her mother decided she needed to have at that moment (only the dog was constant). Winter’s dad is the rather handy sort and spent much of his time, when he wasn’t working 40+ hours a week, doing laundry, cooking, taking care of the kids, etc. fixing up the house they lived in. And the man did a damn good job. The particular project that figures in our story is the one where the tacky old golden mustard coloured carpet had been pulled up to make way for new carpet. In the interm the wood floor got an airing for a spot of time. During this time there was a day that involved cleaning of the house. Imagine a young Winter carrying and armload of odds and ends to be put away. The fates decided to have a good old laugh at her expense that day. An evil, regular old #2 pencil, sharpened to atomic precision, fell out of the armload of crap, hit the temporarily exposed floorboards on it’s eraser, and bounced up stabbing her in the leg! To this day she still has a small purple mark right above her ankle where the pencil stabbed her.

Damn pencils.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Dinner Dilemma

I haven’t been feeling well this week and today I wanted to go get some comfort food. Something unhealthy and perhaps greasy but nonetheless tasty. Apparently one of my favorite sources of comfort food, Skyline Chili, is either being renovated or out of business. I’m going with the latter because the sign is down. I was not informed of this event (whichever that it is) and I am pissed. So I was trying to think of what else sounded good and I thought well maybe Taco Bell (yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking), but the only one in town is in the process of being torn down and rebuilt. Pwned again!
Should I call and order something? Go somewhere are pick up something? Go to the store and get something to cook?
Several hours pass with no decision. Now I’m really hungry. Too hungry to bother with cooking something and there’s no snack food in the apartment. Dilemma. Then *choir of angel music* I remembered that I can order pizza online. And I can pay with my debit card. So that is what I did.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Here's some crap I forgot

Ah, Colonel Eggroll was pestering a couple of days ago me to post some pictures I took on Halloween. A warning, they're of a chap who made a rather tasteless choice of costume. Rather tasteless and unoriginal as he was at least the third person I saw dressed thus. Not to mention the previous week's episode of South Park had a scene with a Steve-Irwin-with-a-stingray-through-the-chest moment. I only took pictures of this guy's get-up because I believe in the "go big or go home" motto for most things. And if you're going to go with something like this you might as well go all out. Don't do like the one guy who just had a small, fist sized bloodstain on his khaki shirt and a nub of stinger, do the whole damn thing if you're going to do it at all.

That's right, go with the two feet of stingray sticking out of you. And watch out Col. E, that ray looks like it might be going for you next in that top photo. As bad as that was I suppose it wasn't as horrify as the chick who went with the white mesh shirt and the black bra. *shudder*

Oh, and a word on Halloween costumes this year. Last year I remember there being a bit more originality overall. Seems like no one really made the effort this year. And most the girls just had the same pre-package costume (low cut bodice w/flouncy skirt, stockings, and heels), just in different colours - sexy nurse, sexy french maid, sexy Alice in Wonderland, sexy bee, sexy Dorothy. But there are plenty of other things one can sexify for a costume: construction worker, musketeer, police officer, pizza chef, firefighter, geisha, [insert team name of choice] fan girl, pirate, fairy, clothes dryer (don't ask), hooker, cowgirl...

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Feeling Blah

Well this has not been the most productive weekend ever. Friday Colonel Eggroll and I hung out, we went to a local bar where they were having an Adult Swim preview. They showed some episodes from different shows and were giving away stuff. There was a bunch of Time Warner cable swag (ho-hum), but we got Harvey Birdman bobble heads (much cooler than the usual creepy bobble heads), a Master Shake keychain/bottle opener and I got an Adult Swim/Cartoon Network shirt (awesomeness). And I drank a whole beer, a huge glass that was really like two beers. And it was tasty, a most unusual occurrence.

Saturday I had to get up early because I picked up a few hours at work. Blah, but I got to hear the Faux-Physicist tell a story that made me laugh hysterically, on the inside. This is it:
"Yeah, my ex-girlfriend and I were having this argument about some Pink Floyd lyrics which turned into a referendum about how we had nothing in common, and then she punched me in the chest."

Then I ran some errands with my roommate, pay our rent, grab some groceries, that sort of thing. Poor guy hasn't found a new car yet. Then I decided to rearrange the furniture in my room. I am much happier with the new layout. Now my desk isn't crammed back in the corner, and my bed is no longer under the window where the sunlight keeps waking me up on my day off .

All day yesterday my throat was feeling scratchy and today I woke up feeling crappy. I don't want to admit defeat here, but we may need to turn the heat on soon. Since the cold snap came through this past week the temp in the apartment has dipped below 60 (Fahrenheit) at night. This may be a contributing factor to the crappy-feeling-ness. So I spent the day in bed reading until I had to go to work. I did get to go home early, I stopped into the store for some cold medicine and treated myself to some new pencils, oh and the third season of Futurama.

So that's my uninspired, mundane blog entry for today. Now I plan on going back to bed and reading a bit before sleeping. I have not finished any new comics this weekend. (I'm sorry!) So it may be Tuesday before I get a chance to update. Blah, I hate having the sniffles.