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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm Not Superstitious, Just Extrastitious

Maybe not even that much. Maybe just mildlystitious, stitiously-inclined? At any rate, I am 'stitious enough to recognize an omen when I see one. And I'm certainly perspicacious enough for a week worth of ominous omens to do more than casually ping on my radar. Now, nothing specific mind you, just a series of unsettling dreams, stock omens, and general weirdness. You know how omens are, just things that bode. However, in spite of all of this non-specific boding this week has gone swimmingly. Nothing bad had actually happened; I'm not worried about anything actually happening. Good moods have prevailed in myself and others, and all of my schemes are proceeding nicely.

It's just weird, so I'm just saying.


Speaking of dreams, I have a lot of weird ones, so in order for something to really stand out it has to really.....well, stand out. So I will leave you with two words which may just blow your imagination's mind:

Chainsaw Olympics.

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