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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Smells like Burning

Monday night I came home from work and the hall of my apartment building smelled like smoke. Not cigarette smoke or smoke from recreational herbs. Smoke like something caught on fire.
When I walked into my apartment the smell of burning was even stronger.
Me: It smells like burning in here.
Roommate: Oh, yeah, I had a fire today.
Me: What?
Roommate: I was cooking some hashbrowns and I turned my back on the oil for, like, 5 seconds, and when I turned back it was on fire. So I used some of your backing soda to put it out.
Me: Uh-ok. What's with all the candles?
Roommate: Oh, I was trying to get rid of the smell, but then I realized that most of these are unscented, so that didn't help.
Me: Um.
*I brought out some inscense and lit it*
Roommate: I forgot about that, I would have used that if I had remembered you had it.
Me: It was in my room.
Roommate: Oh.


  • At 10:03 AM , Blogger Steve said...

    I thought it was well established that I was increadably stupid at times.

  • At 3:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Putting bakind soda on a grease fire isn't stupid. That's some quick thinking.

  • At 8:45 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Right, but starting the fire was the stupid part. :)


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