Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Wooooooooo! What's up?


Things are pretty awesome right now. I'm doing clean-up for the party I just had at my apartment. Nothing crazy, just some people from work and associated significant others and roommates. We had some booze and plenty of laughs. Now I'm just rounding up the empty beer bottles and dishes and glasses and munching out some chips and buffalo chicken dip. I wore one of my favorite shirts and my two new necklaces. Also, I'm watching stand up comedy. I love stand up comedy. And the last one, Bill Burr was pretty good, and now Louis C.K. is on and he's hilarious. Also, kinda buzzed still from drinking and I'm having another while I clean, so I'm laughing and rather enjoying myself.

What was I saying...

Oh, yeah. I'm supposed to blog at least once a week. That was one of my New Year's Resolutions. So I'm doing it. Buzzed, tipsy, very mildly drunk. Awesome. Because you know what? I'm in an awesome mood. Things are going swimmingly. I started on my eating healthy for the rest of my life plan (not diet, 'cause that implies going off the diet someday) a week ago. I have lost 7 pounds in the first week. Wooo! I'm sure that'll drop off after the first couple weeks. Of course, with the party I've not done so well today. As bad as it may be, I saved all my calories (save a few) for the purpose of drinking and eating some junk food. Ah well, you only get one life.

I think that the couple of months I've spent mentally building myself up to go on this eating plan have really paid off. My resolve has been freakin' awesome. Sure, I've been tempted. Portion shock is a bitch. And much of the week I've spent being hungry, but the hunger is a bit like the pain of getting a tattoo. Yeah, it's not exactly pleasant, but the result is going to be kick ass.

So, other resolution: blogging honestly. Okay, what should I talk about here?

Dunno. I'm gonna go eat some more chips and giggle @ comedians on tv. Laters.


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