Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year

Time for some resolutions!

I am resolving to blog more often, at least once a week. I also resolve to be more open and honest in my blogging, not that I've lied to you dear reader, but rather just not been very deep or meaningful. And definitely not emotional, but then I keep my emotions mostly to myself in real life; I play my cards close to the vest. I'm trying to work on that too.

As for my other resolutions, I have some creative projects I want to work on/finish up this year, credit cards to pay down, and weight to lose. I only lost a net of 10 pounds this past year, and I want to lose much more this year. I've been examining my strategy and refining it. New reasons to lose weight (besides the I'm tired of being out of shape and want to be healthy ones) have cropped up, namely that I'm going to be in a wedding in spring of 2012 and will also be going on a big trip and want to look awesome.


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