Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Things I'm Thankful for

Authors who have brought to life so many stories that I’ve enjoyed
Blogging & Bloggers
My Cat who
is always happy to see me and loves me no matter what
Every time a plan comes together
Firefly & Futurama
Gorgeous guys who have the basic human decency to acknowledge my existence thereby allowing me to pretend that they’re flirting with me
Hocking Hills
Imagination which allows me to to vent my frustrations by visualizing the beating of the people who annoy me
Jarod, The Pretender
“Kick in the teeth/face” one of my favorite threats
Lazy days spent doing nothing and not dressing up
Mp3 player, used to block out my coworkers in the mornings
Noodles, the mainstay of my diet
Omnipotence with out which I could not rule you
Pizza, food of the gods; good when you get it and even better for breakfast
Quality friends, I love you guys
Revelry with amigos
Shoes that are comfortable and cute
Viggo Mortensen
Waterfalls & Winter
You tube
Zombies, even if they are unreliable they’re still an unending source of entertainment

Happy Thanksgiving


  • At 11:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hocking Hills sounds like a pretty poor neighbourhood. Is is next to Thriftstore Lakes?

    ps: FIREFLY!!!!!!!! (Have they released plans to do another movie yet?)

  • At 11:06 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    lol :) I never thought of that before. Hocking Hills, named for the Hocking river (from the local native american name for the river Hohocking), is an area in the south-east part of the state. There are gorges, cliffs, caves, etc. I think it very pretty.

    Hocking Hills Home Page I'll post some of my pictures from down there.

    P.S. I have no idea about another Firefly movie. Have you heard something???

  • At 8:03 PM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    I too am thankful for tacos and good friends. And if they both go together, even better! =)

  • At 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I watched the DVD extras; Joss said he wanted to do another movie. That's all though.


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