Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Just looking for a little follow through

So the guy said he thought I was 'cool and beautiful' and wanted to 'hang out with me'. A date then? I supposed so. Then there were some text messages, setting things up. Then nothing. Rather disrespectful to just leave a person hanging like that. I took my irritation out on the apartment, it's much cleaner now. It's not like I had anything invested emotionally at this juncture, but still, I was a little disappointed. Oh well.


You know what I'm getting tired of? Creepy commercials. I was trying to explain to a friend yesterday that there seems to be quite a lot of them. Things that I watch and find unsettling. The Burger King. Who doesn't find that creepy? But I've heard people talk about how cool he is, and if you point out the creepiness factor they'll just say "That's what makes him so cool!" No, no, no. Creepy does not equal cool; it is in fact, usually considered to be the exact opposite of cool. That feeling of unease is your subconscious trying to flag you down and point out that there's something amiss. I have to wonder, don't any of the people developing the commercials notices these things? Does the camera guy spend his day filming that mugging idiot for some "male enhancement" product, Bob, and then go home and have nightmares? If so does anybody say anything. "Hey, Stan, buddy, listen, great idea there, but I just shit my pants in terror." The worst part has to be how well these piles of drivel work. I heard somebody declare that they wanted the special that they had seen advertised on TV, and then needed to ask what it was they were getting.


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Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Review of Events from Last Weekend

*Friday night we went up to Toledo to see my friend Charles' band Straight to the Withdrawal play. They got on the bill to open for Seven Mary Three which was pretty cool for them. They put on a great show, made connections, got exposure, etc. I'll even say that their set was the one I enjoyed the most. The band before them I had seen once before (not on purpose). They are horrible with a capital horror. Just this awful rap/rock/trailer-trash/awfulness, and (of course) they think that they are really, really sweet. The band after was...ehn, not impressed. Their sound was just all over the place, different sytles, tempos, all in the same song. And then we went upstairs to watch Seven Mary Three. They were ok. I mean I had only heard Water's Edge and Cumbersome before, so I was expecting a little more Rock. We were just sitting there, half awake, when some dude affiliated with the band came out on stage naked (ok, I think he was wearing a pair of ladies underpants, we were sitting pretty far away). He yelled out "Seven Mary Three sucks balls", whipped his out his (as I was later informed) not so impressive stuff, did a couple cartwheels, and crashed into the bassist who pushed him off the stage into the crowd. Yeah, nobody caught him. After that we went to Charles' for afterparty, and I finally got home and fell asleep around 6am, making it a full 24 hours.

*Saturday was St. Patricks day, so after 5 hours of sleep it was off to the bars for green beer and some more band watching. Julia, Steve, and I went to catch Bancroft play. They did a great Weezer cover and a hilarious Tenacious D cover too. My friend, the DrinkingBoy, never called me, but I presume this is because he was passed out somewhere, possibly a gutter or some girl's bed. I'm not holding that against him. He's a lot of fun to hang with, a certain kind of fun mind you. Then we (plus Julia's husband) went over to Charles' place for a barbeque (I made a peanut butter pie for the occasion). After that I went home and crashed. And the guy who wanted to hang out with me never called, but hey, it's a big party day, so that was fine.

*Sunday I went to my cousin's wedding shower. It was one of those well put together ones as opposed to just sitting around in someone's living room. There were prizes, I got a basket of stuff as a door prize. My cousin got quite a lot of swag. Maybe it's just because I've been independent of my parents for so long and that I have all the necessities for my place. I just can't imagine getting all new stuff (like blenders, bread makers, matching towels and dishes, etc). I guess if you want new stuff then getting married gives you the hook up.

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Julia (Colonel Eggroll) and I wanted to share our stories, but didn't want to put them in the main page of our blogs, so we've created a new blog that we can both post to. If you're interested in reading any of our stuff feel free to cruise on over to A Little Bit of Everything . There's not much up yet and we'll probably be fiddling with the template and such, but it's started.

There is no spoon

Yesterday I started off in a pretty good mood even though I only had a few hours of sleep. I've actually been in a good mood all week, but then the Old Baggage at work started in with her usual. I could feel myself getting angry, and since I had no outlet I just started seething. This is never good. When I'm being loud and angry, everything's fine, but when I get quieter and quieter is when it's really bad. The anger just becomes a self-perpetuating system, it feeds off itself. All of this means that I was headed for having a shitty day. Salvation was at hand however. One of our new guys went to hand me something, instead he lost his grip, it glanced off the counter and was headed straight for a collision coarse we me. My instincts kicked in and I did this Matrix-y leap backward before I even had realized that I was about to be struck. Witnesses attest to my lightning fast movement and cat-like reflexes. It was pretty awesome, and kind of silly, but it totally made my day and completely erased my bad mood.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Lost in the Park

So, I was going to post yesterday. While I was at work I was trying to compile a list of things to blog about. I've been trying to avoid turning my blog into just a series of things that are pissing me off. Yesterday it was not to be. I had come up with a handful of things to gripe about, but then I realized that I was in a really good mood. So I thought, "Eff that noise, I don't even care anymore, not a big deal anyway."

Although, I will say this, the three to four o'clock hour is a barren wasteland in the land of cable tv.

Speaking of television, I've been forced to choose between Lost and South Park since Lost has been pushed back to 10pm. I've decided to watch South Park because a) I can watch Lost online tomorrow 2) South Park is shorter and I have to be at work at 6:30am and d) I'll end my night with laughs and not questions. The better to fall asleep after, my dear. I haven't been as impressed with this half of the season of Lost. Let's get back to the crazy mysteries and little less of the incessant backstabbery with the Others.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Don't stand so

For the record, I am not claustrophobic. I spent many hours as a child playing hide and seek with my cousins, wedging myself under beds, in closets, etc. I had an MRI about ten years ago and when they shoved me in that tiny little thingy I was so comfortable that I fell asleep. I have no problems riding in an elevator or a ford festiva. Let the record also show that I am not a personal space freak. I don't have a problem with crowds (other than the normal irritation of being bumped into or trodden upon or listening to ignorant people expound their ridiculous opinions).

However, what does drive me crazy is Close Standers. The people who eschew an entire empty building to stand four and a half inches away from you. They lurk in your peripheral, mouth hanging open, vacantly watching whatever you're doing. I'm sure you've experienced this, we've got a new girl at work who was doing it to me the other day. The Faux Physicist was a Close Stander, too. We had a girl last summer at work who would actually lean her hip against her me when she was talking to me or she would walk up so close to people that her stomach was touching them. That brain dead lurking drives me insane. When I notice someone doing it I want to whip around and scream at them. You know, maybe make them crap their pants or something.

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