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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dream Jobs

One of my friends is in a band. He was telling Col. E. and I about it this past weekend when we went bowling. (I scored 119 in the third game. Pretty good for me.) He was saying that he's real excited about getting some gigs and that he has dreams about playing some awesome shows. If we all have dreams about our ideal lives (my friend dreaming about being a rockstar), what does it meant that I'm always fighting zombies, vampires, dinosaurs, and sometimes tornadoes and generally dealing with a myriad of supernatural crap? And that I do it very well?

My dream life is often more exicting and exhilerating than my waking life.

But then again, I don't ever get shot in real life.


  • At 12:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hmm, another manifestation of the mysterious 'Buffy complex'? The only cure is beating up David Boreanaz...


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