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Friday, March 23, 2007

Just looking for a little follow through

So the guy said he thought I was 'cool and beautiful' and wanted to 'hang out with me'. A date then? I supposed so. Then there were some text messages, setting things up. Then nothing. Rather disrespectful to just leave a person hanging like that. I took my irritation out on the apartment, it's much cleaner now. It's not like I had anything invested emotionally at this juncture, but still, I was a little disappointed. Oh well.


You know what I'm getting tired of? Creepy commercials. I was trying to explain to a friend yesterday that there seems to be quite a lot of them. Things that I watch and find unsettling. The Burger King. Who doesn't find that creepy? But I've heard people talk about how cool he is, and if you point out the creepiness factor they'll just say "That's what makes him so cool!" No, no, no. Creepy does not equal cool; it is in fact, usually considered to be the exact opposite of cool. That feeling of unease is your subconscious trying to flag you down and point out that there's something amiss. I have to wonder, don't any of the people developing the commercials notices these things? Does the camera guy spend his day filming that mugging idiot for some "male enhancement" product, Bob, and then go home and have nightmares? If so does anybody say anything. "Hey, Stan, buddy, listen, great idea there, but I just shit my pants in terror." The worst part has to be how well these piles of drivel work. I heard somebody declare that they wanted the special that they had seen advertised on TV, and then needed to ask what it was they were getting.


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  • At 2:39 AM , Blogger Steph said...

    I hate it when guys do that. What is that about???

  • At 12:22 AM , Blogger Winter said...

    I don't know, does anybody, really? But at least it was at a point where I didn't have anything invested emotionally. So I guess that's ok.

  • At 7:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That's pretty lame. Girls also do it sometimes. I guess people are used to taking opportunities, but it often turns out that they don't really want the thing they're after. Well, at least it's better than being ignored.

  • At 9:40 AM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    I declare him a teabag.


  • At 10:46 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Mark - oh yeah, girls are guilty too. I just think it's disrespectful in general to suddenly drop contact with a person. I've had to chase people down in the past, and anymore I don't think it's worth my time to keep both ends up of a relationship or friendship.

    Julia - Thanks. I can always count on you. :P


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