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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Vacation Recap, Part 2

Jack O' Lanterns!

Tuesday we carved pumpkins and watched some scary movies. Good, er, gross, slimy fun. I forgot how messy cleaning out pumpkins is. Seems a bit barbaric too, if you ask me. :) Look at Julia's pumpkin (the one on the far right), she's such a show off. However she did introduce us to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which is freakin' hilarious, so I can't gripe about her superior pumpkin carving skills. If you haven't seen this show it's worth checking out.

Wednesday I was supposed to drive us to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. First I stopped for gas, and after we had gotten back on the road somebody pointed out I had left the fuel door thingy open. I can say with a reasonable amount of surity that I have never done before. When I stopped to close it I realized that I had also not put the gas cap on. Consequently, it was now lost. I have most definitely never done that before. That kind of thing is totally unlike me. I blame being sick for being off my game. Speaking of being sick, I ended up sharing my germs and getting Julia and Mark sick too. Yay, colds for everybody!

Where was I? Oh, yeah, Wednesday. I didn't end up driving because my car was overheating again! Thursday I took it in and finally got everything sorted out *fingers crossed*. Seems the fan wasn't running therefore the engine wasn't staying cool. Now I have a sweet switch in my dash so I can manually turn it on (since I wasn't willing to fork over $600+ for a new computer for the car).

Let's see, what else did we do...


...Roller Coasters and haunted houses at Cedar Point...

Which I have to say was the most crowded it has ever been when I have been there. It was just a giant mass of people shuffling from one end of the park to the other. We did get to ride some of my favorite coasters though. The haunted house was predictably lame, except for this tunnel you walked through that had lights spinning around it. Yeah, I pretty much fell over into the railing. My brain was was trying to tell my body that the room wasn't spinning, but
my damn eyes were duped by the illusion of spinning christmas lights. Consequently I had to pull myself along the railing to get to the doorway, which seemed to be twisting while standing still. The crazy tunnel of dizziness made all the cheesy fake vampires well worth it.

...and Tetris.
Which I kind of Ruled.

Mark was nice enough to bring me a sampling of Australian coins, since I collect coins this made my nerdy little heart happy. (and a koala, because who doesn't love those furry little buggers? They're so cute :).

Well, I've been working on this for a couple days, so I guess I'll wrap it up now. If I think of anything else from vacation that might be blogworthy you'll be the first to know.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Vacation Recap, Part 1

Here is a highlight of things that transpired during the course of my vacation, as promised.

::::I woke up the last day I had to work before vacation (Saturday) with a vicious cold. I spent pretty much the whole day having this conversation:

Person: You sound like you have a cold.
Me: You're damb ride I hab a code.
Person: Don't you go on vacation tomorrow?
Me: Yeb
Person: Dude, that sucks.
Me: Thangs, I know.

::::Monday, Julia and I departed early for our drive to London, Ontario to pick up Mark . Let me tell you a couple things about this drive. One, the Canadian border guards are much nicer and more welcoming than the American ones. I know it's their job to ask questions and put you off your guard, but damn. It did not speed up matters that we were bringing someone in from a third country, but thankfully the scary lady only asked us questions and we did not end up getting strip searched on the side of the road.

Another thing, Ontario (at least the part we were in) is flat. Very flat. Kind of like how Wood County is flat. It takes almost two hours to drive from Windsor to London. I know I referred to it as the Highway of Monotony at least once. I offer these pictures as proof. One of them is from Ontario, the other is from Wood County, Ohio. If you can tell which one is which you get a prize.

I guess if you want something different to look at on the drive there is always the squalid industrial wasteland that lays about Detroit.

After we collected Mark (who is totally cool in the RL, btw), drove back to the States, walked to the video store, went for groceries, (it was a long day), and had dinner we were picked up by my roommate and headed out to have drinks. We went to Uptown/Downtown, which is two bars, a sports bar downstairs, and Uptown which is more of a club. Monday is 80's night. There was this dude in the a sleeveless shirt and gloves doing some sweet dance moves. He was totally into it, and I'm sorry we didn't get any video.
More to come and all my pictures are on my flickr.

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Monday, October 22, 2007


How's it going? I've missed you guys. You all look fabulous.

Ok. I promise a proper update recounting the exploits of my vacation to follow soon, complete with pictures.

I'm just way too tired right now. My brain feels like pudding, and it's only 7:30 pm.

Well, I've been trying to type this for a half hour, and I'm not getting anywhere, so I'll catch ya later bloggers.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Way Too *King Hot

People should not be dropping dead from the heat in mid-October, marathon running or not.