Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Little Things

The follow up to the Shappu Post is coming soon. We're aiming to do a video post of the events that transpire when we take the Shappu to a shoe.

Also coming soon, will be a/some audio post(s). Julia's husband has a digital recorder and has been so gracious as to allow us to borrow it for our blog hijinks. So here's your open ended chance to ask any questions or pose any topics for discussion or debate. So suggest away.


  • At 6:25 AM , Blogger lucy said...

    Wait, like NachoNinja Julia's husband?

    Man, I really need to read blogs more closely if I missed that.

  • At 7:34 AM , Blogger MissE said...

    Okay, Winter, you asked for it… *grin*

    1. I notice we have a few authors and books in common on our faves lists (Tolkien, Pratchett, Gaiman, etc). What would you say was the first novel to truly impact upon you as a reader and why?

    2. You’ve just won $1 000 000 – tell me about how you’d spend it.

    3. If you were given the opportunity to work your “dream” job, what would it involve?

    4. I think your inner child is alive and well – what toy of recent times do you wish someone would buy you?

    5. And finally, as a teacher I believe that I can have an impact on my students’ lives – hopefully for the better; did any of your teachers shape the person you are today? How/Why?

    Do YOU want to be interviewed?
    Interview rules:
    1. Leave me a comment saying “Interview me.”

    2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

    3. You will update your blog with a post containing your answers to the questions.

    4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

    5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

  • At 11:05 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Lucy - Wait. Now I'm confused. Which part did you miss?

    MissE - Answers coming soon! :)

  • At 5:11 AM , Blogger lucy said...

    Is Julia (NachoNinja) married?

    Man, I'm confused.

  • At 8:52 AM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    Ahh!! Confusion all around!

    To answer your question Lucy yes, I am married. To Eddie. I always forget that people don't know that, originally only becky and steve read my blog, and they both already know me in real life. Plus when I first started he was somewhat skeptical, so I didn't really mention him to respect his feelings on the issue. Now he is always making suggestions for posts whenever weird/funny things happen, and may even guest blog at some point.

    He eventually realized what I did, that there are many interesting and cool people to be met via the blogosphere, and that it is really quite a rewarding experience! =)

  • At 8:23 PM , Blogger Steve said...

    Wow is this what it feels like to be in the know. I've never been in on anything. How cool.

  • At 2:10 AM , Blogger Winter said...

    Lucy - Ah, that's what I thought you meant. And as she's said above, yes, Julia is married. You should hear them argue something silly sometime, it's hilarious and cute.

    Julia - Eddie should totally guest blog, that would be cool.

    Steve - Ummmmmm, I hope you savored the moment because now everybody knows, so there is no know to be in because it's common knowledge, so you're no longer in the know because the know is everywhere. :P


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