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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wait, what?

I am trying to sell a couple pieces of excess furniture (including a futon) on craig's list. I say trying because it seems the people who use craig's list have trouble conducting a transaction as simple as this. I posted the offer ad and photo. I tried to be descriptive without being long winded, and listed a price, mentioning that it was negotiable.

So far I've had 4 responses.
One asking if the futon was still available. Okay, that's not too bad.
Two simply said "I am interested in the futon." That's it. Nothing else.
And the last asked if I was selling the items. Ummm... that's kind of what my ad said.

Maybe I'm the one who is missing the point here. Maybe I'm committing some social craig's list faux pas. Honestly, how do I reply to that?

I say: I want to sell this futon.
You say: I am interested in this futon.
I say: ......um....ok? Good for you.

I just think if you're responding to an ad for something you'd like to buy you might put something more like this:

I am interested in buying the [thing] you have for sale for $[Amt]. I am willing to pay $[offer], and I can pick it up [at your convenience/Tuesday/next weekend/etc]. You can also reach me at [phone number].


[Your damn name]

Look! See how much information is there? Now we can proceed with our transaction/haggling. Saying "Want!!!!!!!!!!!!!1" And demanding I call the phone number you've listed seems a trifle rude to me. Can we not communicate in sentences and complete thoughts? Please?

But, hey, maybe that's just me.



  • At 9:51 PM , Anonymous Mark said...

    Call 'em. If they're that dumb they'll probably pay your asking price.

    Oh, btw, I rented out some Venture Brothers dvds the other day and they were frickin hilarious. Thanks for introducing me to that one.

  • At 11:11 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Yeah, I tried, but no answer and no voice mail. Maybe I'll try again or try posting again, or something. It's not like I'm moving and need to get rid of it right this instant.

    Dude, Venture Brothers is frickin' sweet! :D I can't wait for the second half of the 4th season to air, too bad it's not going to be until fall.


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