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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Long rambling update #1

I wrote a post a couple weeks ago. It wasn't so much a post as a frustration fueled rant on the stupidity of others. It had bullet points. And I even had to do some research to make sure, for my own piece of mind, that my facts were correct. The whole thing is best never seeing the light of day.

My apartment building is currently surrounded by one to two foot high drifts of snow. We closed up a few hours early tonight since there wasn't much business, and I wonder if we'll open tomorrow. I think all the schools have already canceled, and if we get the winds they are saying are going to happen (sustained 30 mph) the weather people are talking drifts in excess of three feet. While, on one hand, having a day off tomorrow on account of inclement weather would be kind of cool, I would have to make that day up somewhere, and I really, really don't want to give up my weekend. I actually have Friday and Saturday off. Two days off in a row feels like vacation. That's what I kept saying last week when I also had Friday and Saturday off. However, one of the managers came down sick and I ended up having to go in on Saturday and work. It sucked, but I still made it to the bar in time to catch the band I had planned on seeing. Unless a level 3 snow emergency is issued I doubt we will close tomorrow anyway, and right now it's still standing at a level 1.

In a couple of weeks Julia and I are taking a painting class (acrylics) at the Toledo Museum of Art. It's been quite a while since I've taken any kind of class (ServeSafe didn't really count. You got the book a month before the test, then the class was a six hour review before taking the test). Anyway, I am really looking forward to it. I like painting with acrylics, but am completely self taught. It will be nice to learn some techniques to improve my skillz. I actually haven't taken any kind of art class since eighth grade. In high school I never had room for art in my schedule, and I guess never really thought about it. It wasn't until several years after high school that I really rediscovered the joy of art.

My holidays were nice. The only drama llama stampede was at Thanksgiving when people decided to play silly games. Other than that my family behaved. I went to my Aunt and Uncle's for New Years and had a fantastic time that included my first game of beer pong and first Jager shots.

I really ought to update this more often. I've had plenty to write about too! I'm still loving my new car. I adore it. And I love the freedom to just get in and drive where ever I need/want to go. After I got the car I made a trip to Cincinnati to see Lewis Black. I scored my ticket on sale, so that made the gas money not so bad. The show was fantastic and I actually got to meet Lewis and get an autograph. My mother took me and my half-brother to see Star Wars in Concert in Detroit. It was fantastic! It was basically a 2 hour live music video with a few lasers and pyrotechnics thrown in. And it was hosted by the delightful Anthony Daniels. I had a week of vacation in December that I stretched out with the weekend before off and the Monday following as well. I visited Steve & Steph in Cleveland and my friend Sarah in Pittsburgh. I also had an interesting trip to Ann Arbor with my mother.

I made another trip there recently to hit up IKEA with Julia in which we scored some furniture. I sprung for a couch. They actually had the one I had been pining for on sale. It's a dark blue-grey, and the one end is a chaise which makes it look like a corner sectional, but is fantastic for lounging on . There is storage under the chaise, and a trundle that slides out and pops up to make the whole thing into a bed for guests. And it comes apart in sections for easy moving whenever that happens again.

For the time being I've resigned my lease, so I will be staying in my place until at least 2011. I am really happy with my place. It's funny because when I was younger I moved almost every year. I couldn't imagine living in a place for years on end. Maybe I've just gotten lazy and don't want to haul my junk all over town anymore.

I think I am addicted to bejeweled blitz on facebook. Seriously. I. Can't. Stop. Playing! They even updated the game. Before the medals/score tracking only went up to 250k. Now it goes to 500k. I thought that was daunting as I have only ever gotten over 300k, like, twice. However, today I played a game where I scored 509,650. I think that means I've won bejeweled blitz. That game was like the perfect storm. It will never be repeated. I'd retire if I wasn't so damn addicted! :)

Well, it's 3:30am. Guess I should turn in.


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