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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What's up, Weather?

Tonight I decided that I finally have to turn the heat on. It's 62 in here right now which, for me, is perfectly comfortable. Although I feel I could use a pair of socks. I set the heat to come on at 60. I don't think I can be faulted for not wanting the temp to dip into the 50's inside my apartment. I do need to remember to insulate my windows with plastic this winter to help keep the heating bill down. I didn't last winter and we had near record cold. The insides of the windows, and the frames were covered with frost. It was like a very small version of "The Day After Tomorrow." I figure if I am prepared this year coupled with the fact that el nino is going on we will have an icky warm winter.

Yesterday I found out that those people who were whining about it being cold in July actually were onto something. Ohio, along with quite a few other states around us, had the coldest July on record. Which is extra weird considering that pretty much the rest of the world had a record, or near record, warm summer. The ice cap is at the smallest ever, record ocean temperatures and people in the midwest are in coats and blankets.


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