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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Now it's personal

Damn you Bush Administration. The recession that your crappy policies (arguably) spawned have finally hit home. Though not stated in the letter I received, I assume that financial reasons are to blame for one of my monthly magazines no longer being published. That sounds shallow, but honestly I think that I'm poor enough that most of what is going on hasn't affected me. In fact our store has been making a profit and we earned bonus for February. I say don't count your bonus before it's paid, so I was quite happy to find that my last paycheck was about $200 more than usual. Woo! To bad it's all going to bills.

I would say I had a good weekend, but first of all I only had Sunday off. Sunday was good though. I had lunch with my dad's family which was entertaining as usual, my father and his siblings engaged in their good natured antagonizing. My Aunt N has started her own dog walking/sitting business. My Uncle K's wife apparently thinks being barefoot is disgusting. Recipes were argued over. My father passed out various goodies from his work. (They build machines and robots for other companies and get test product to run on the machines to ensure they work properly. After the tests are over they usually get to keep the product. Couple years ago we got cases of peppridge farm cookies. This time it was tea, country time lemonade mix, and Betty Crocker instant potatoes. Hooray for free stuff!)

As soon as I got home from my grandparent's I had to turn around and head over to my mom's for dinner. I didn't end up wanting to punch anyone in the face, so that was a good visit. My mom couldn't wait to tell me that my loser alcoholic uncle apparently has added 'crack addict' to his resume, oh fun.

Oh, and Friday night I broke a toe. Technically, of course, I can't say that it's broken because I didn't go to a doctor and get it x-rayed, but I think swollen+black&blue+pain+can't bend it+still hurts days later=broken. Besides it's a toe! A toe! Even if you go to a doctor and they x-ray it and the doctor comes in and says, "Durrr, yur toe iz broke" they can't do anything about it. They'll tape it (can do that myself) and maybe give you some fun drugs (don't want 'em). Unless it's the big toe, and is, like, turned the wrong way, or bones sticking out, fuck going to the doctor for it. And mine is the little toe, so I feel like a big baby, but standing for all those 10 hr shifts don't help.

I'm pretty sure that my laptop has acquired some spyware and/or virus type thing. Good job McAfee, way to protect me from that shit. What do I even pay you for? Now I'm deleting files hoping I don't accidentally lobotomize my computer. I'm tempted (probably going) to just transfer all my important files to my new computer and then give the laptop a memory wipe. Fun times all around.


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