Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

If it weren't for my horse....

Let me start by saying that the girl in the following anecdote is very sweet and nice. Not liking her would be a bit like kicking a puppy (or kitten, if you prefer), a sad orphan one, shivering in the cold, on Christmas Eve. However, we had the following exchange at work a couple of days ago.

Me (to someone else entirely): Don't make me come up there or you will feel my wrath.
Girl: Your rat?
Me: No, wrath. W-R-A-T-H. Wrath.
Girl: Omigod! What is that??? Are you a witch?!?!



  • At 11:33 PM , Blogger MissE said...


    Feel my rat!!!

    Fear the rat!

    Gotta love it.

  • At 5:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Funny it itself: "kicking a puppy (or kitten, if you prefer)"

    Yes, we generally do prefer to kick kittens. Puppies so often bite back.

  • At 9:46 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    MissE - maybe she thought I had an attack rat?

    Mark - lol. Puppies are noisier too eh? All that barking.

  • At 9:46 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    MissE - maybe she thought I had an attack rat?

    Mark - lol. Puppies are noisier too eh? All that barking.


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