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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thoughts, Randomly

A question for fellow contact wearers: have you ever had your eye eat one of your contacts? You're sitting there, minding your own business, when *blink, blink* your contact suddenly slides back into the hidden recesses of your upper eyelid. It's up there somewhere, you can't see it and you can't get it out. And then you end up in the bathroom, fingers jammed in the offending eye yelling "give it back, damn you!" at the mirror. Anybody else?

Just me then.


Well, I'm glad we got that whole election thing (successfully) out of the way. Things were getting awful tense. I mean, I had to break up a (verbal) fight at work the week before, and neither one of them were even old enough to vote.


My fiend SH and I were out shopping tonight and browsing through the book shop. I was flipping through a book of lists when I came across of forbidden foods. Either for health reasons or because the species had become endangered. When you're standing there, reading about how foie gras is produced or a maggot filled cheese whose name eludes me at the moment, you start thinking about other things that people eat: crayfish, cockroaches, the brain of anything, sea urchins, snails, caviar, and you wonder where along the line was there a person standing there who said "hey, we should totally eat that!"



  • At 11:37 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    Sometimes I'm glad that Australians are apathetic when it comes to politics. Perhaps 'apathetic' isn't even the right word - maybe 'relaxed' is better. At any rate, we don't get tense.

    Oh and yeah, re: foods, I wonder who was the first person to discover smoking? "Hey let's see what happens when you set stuff on fire and breathe it in!"

  • At 9:07 AM , Blogger Shelley said...

    I've not had contacts do that. I've had them suctioned on to my eyeballs though - now there's a nasty, nasty feeling.

    Um, yeah, some of us do, Mark - though that's usually only when being attacked by RWDBs.

  • At 1:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    RWDBs? Oh 'right wing death beasts.' I understand. And yes, I concede that point.


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