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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cruising the Cerebral Galaxy

I had to park on the street Sunday night. I can understand the parking lot being full on, say, a Friday evening, but Sunday at Midnight? No. I just got off work. All I wanted was to park and a shower and sleep. People had even parked in the spaces with the telephone pole in front of them that you can't park in. I have no idea how they got in or out of these spaces with out monster truckinig over the surrounding cars. Due to the lack of broken glass and police inquiries I assume they figured it out.

We started selling milkshakes at work today. We hand make them with ice cream and flavored syrup. They're good, but there's a knack to mixing them unmessily. I spent the day smelling like strawberry syrup.

I went to my dad's this past Saturday to visit (and do laundry. I'm not taking advantage. He yells at me if I don't bring any. Serious.). My car had a hiccup on the way up. Thankfully it was just in need of some coolant, and the out of control temperature was not due to some more expensive problem. While I was there we talked of many things. There was even a phone conference with my Grandma to confirm some genealogical info we were discussing. My dad, as his custom, offered me numerous items from his cupboards. "They had chocolate chips on sale for 92 cents or something for a bag. A two pound bag! Do you want to take some with you?" So I guess I'm making cookies now.

The company my dad works for makes machines for other companies (stretch-wrappers, conveyors, stacking robots, etc), so sometimes these companies give them test product to run on the machines. And sometimes they get to keep the product which my dad shares around. At Easter he was giving out boxes of Betty Crocker instant potatoes. This weekend he was offering me lemonade mix. He also holds up a box of grape kool-aid mix and says, "Vodka. Purple jesuses." I said, "I know what a purple jesus is, Dad."

I had some new info to add to my +1 Binder of Genealogy from my trip to my dad's. I ended up going over again some of the paper's my grandmother had given me a while back. I realized I had more info on a couple individuals than I thought. After a little more work I can now say my family tree now covers ten generations* and goes back about 330 years**.

I slept a lot last night, but the night before I only had about an hour and a half of sleep. I was having a really weird dream this morning. I don't remember all of it (and it feels like I forgot some important part), but I do remember there were these paintings. And I had painted them, and they had magical properties, or at least the Dream People believed they did. Then I had to kick the crap out of this leopard that was going to attack. This pissed off his tiger buddy, who did not believe I had magical properties***. Run-away! Run-away!

*Eleven generations now that I think about it; my cousin has had a kid.

**Oh, and I have to work on verifying a lot of the info, but it's exciting nonetheless.

***And this all wasn't even the weird part.

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  • At 12:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Hey, I just learned what a purple jesus is! Mmmm sacrilicious....

  • At 2:22 AM , Blogger Winter said...

    I'm here to entertain and inform! :)


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