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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Unseasonably Thunderous

I meant to go directly to bed when I came home last night. Instead I found myself making a trip to the store for some groceries, and then cooking a meal. As I was sitting, enjoying my piping hot ravioli my apartment was suddenly filled with the sound of thunder. I was surprised, it is February after all. I was unable to drag myself off to bed as the thunder proved not to be isolated, but a whole storm of lightning. It's disconcerting really, the rain and thunder is far more like April then February. There's a bit of thunder and lightning playing up tonight as well, though not as much as last night.

Speaking of shopping, why is it that you never seem to run out of just one thing? For example, I never need just toothpaste. It will be more like toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, toleit paper all at once. I ask because I find myself needing to purchase more socks, t-shirts, underpants and maybe a pair of jeans. I've discovered this fact as I've been cleaning and clearing out my closets and such. I also have to ask, is 24 pairs of shoes too many? Five years ago I had probably a quarter as many, so I wonder if I might have gotten out of control since discovering the joys of cute shoes.

I've slowly been picking through my posessions trying to weed things out because of the moving this year. I'm trying to apply a critical eye to my hoard, but I think I may need to enlist someone as my personal sounding board/voice of reason. One of my major weaknesses is my books. I've managed to trim a few volumes (Grisham? I may read The Pelican Brief again, but the rest can go). I'm trying to pull out things I don't think I'll want to read again. Who will go? Who will stay? Your vote counts! Then, of course, there's the pile of stuff that I have yet to read...

Speaking of reading, I just mooched five Hiaasen books. I read Stormy Weather recently and liked it enough to come back for seconds. I think I should wait to start in on them until I finish a couple of the other books I'm reading. I try to keep it at no more than five at a time.

I know that a lot of people find talking about dreams boring. Still, I seem to be having really long dreams lately, like 2 or 3 hours long (I swear! They're very complicated!). Anybody else ever have this happen? Or am I just weird?



  • At 4:28 AM , Blogger KittyMeow said...

    24 pairs of shoes is NOT too much - A thousand pairs would not be too much either! Teehehe. A girl cannot get enough shoes!

    As for the books, I could never part with any of mine.

    So books and shoes.
    Everything else can go! Hehehe. In all seriousness....I keep a lot of crap like papers and just *things* - If its been sitting in the back of your wardrobe/cupboard for more than a year without seeing the light of day then it might be worth getting rid of.

  • At 7:22 AM , Blogger Shelley said...

    I know what you mean. I need shoes, bras, socks, jeans, who knows what else. It might be that I hate shopping and so tend to buy a lot at once and then wear them until they die and must be replaced.

    Dreams can be fascinating. SOme of mine go on forever and are so lucid I wake up unable to remember whta's real.

  • At 3:50 PM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    As a person that has known you for several years, I'm going to lean towards weird. :D

    I have a growing collection of coats, scarves, and purses. I find that I have the tendency to be obsessed with a particular item and go nuts for a couple of months until I've found something new to buy multiples of.

  • At 1:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Ugh, one thing I'm not going to enjoy about moving is sorting out my hoard. It's not only the stuff that I keep with me, but the junk squirreled away at my mum's place as well. There's mountains of it, and I don't want to throw any away. But I will have to be strong, and so will you! Remember: the things you pwn end up pwning you.

  • At 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    see I totally read your blog! lol see you

  • At 12:40 AM , Blogger Winter said...

    Kitty - I too have a lot of *things*. And I know all the rules for sorting and tossing said things, it's just the follow through I need. :)

    Nails - my dreams are really lucid too. I had the thing the other day where I woke up and all I could thing was "where the hell am I?"

    Col. Eggroll - Thanks, weird it is then.
    I know all about your coat collection. ;)

    Mark - Nice use of pwnage. A few years back my dad had to move and dumped all my stuff I had stashed at his house back on me, so I know how that goes. Be strong!

    Layla - Yay! Come back more often!


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