Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Things I've learned this week

::::Small children love to have their faces painted regardless of your painting skill level.

::::I own a shitload of candles.

::::I forgot all of the rules to keep in mind when choosing/making a Halloween costume that I'm going to wear out to the bars (no carried accessories, no sticking out bits, no capes [okay no super long capes]).

::::Walking a mile to and from the bars while carrying a heavy shield when you've been up since before 6am on three hours of sleep is not on the Universe's Top 500 Awesome Ideas list.

::::In spite of my lack of enthusiasm for their single "Welcome to the Black Parade" (and a good chunk of their fans) My Chemical Romance has grown on me.

::::Chile is 2700 miles long but never more than 150 miles wide (Check out Three Bits o Trivia. Who doesn't heart random facts?)

::::The weather has finally decided to get around to being too cold to wear shorts and sandals.

::::I shouldn't load a bunch of stuff into the cargo pockets of my shorts if they are too big.

::::Some of my pants/shorts are too big.

::::I need to buy new work pants.


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