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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Monday, November 05, 2007

No way to live

For only the third time in as many months I have met a guy I find attractive. Of course, he was a customer, bringing a matter that needed handling to my attention, and it wasn't the sort of thing you could build a conversation off of. I certainly hope that he didn't think I was blowing him off, or laughing at him, or not taking him seriously. I took care of the problem personally. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that I started getting a dorky grin on my face while he was talking to me. Most of my brain was listening and figuring out how I was going to deal with the problem, but a small part was like, "Hey, there's totally a cute guy talking to me right now. And he's not an idiot. And he doesn't seem like a T or D bag. And hey, he's totally talking to me. And he's rather attractive. ... Shit."

I need to find a way of meeting guys when the odds aren't stacked completely against me.


  • At 5:52 AM , Blogger phishez said...

    You need to show them some tit. They'll be back before long.

    Or just ask them if they're single and would they like to go get coffee?

  • At 12:54 AM , Blogger MissE said...

    If you work one out, could you tell me?

    Coz the "show tit" idea... hmmmm, not really me, reagrdless of what I posted to Ms Smack that time ...and the talk to the first bit makes me nervous.

    Speed dating is kind of fun. seriously.

  • At 2:31 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Phishez - hmmmm, probably not going to jump on the flashing, but I've done the asking before. That's not the problem. It's sort of a lack of options and asking some guy out who's in the middle of giving me a customer complaint that's just not working for me.

    MissE - If I figure out the secret, I will definitely hook you up. :)


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