Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Understaffed. Mortified. Pestered.

*Well, today was supposed to be my day off. Supposed. I had to go in to work on the employee schedule. Normally I'd have it done on Monday, but having lost a third of our employees (for various reasons) over the last couple weeks, well, let's just say we're boned. I also did an interview ("You have a pulse? You're hired."), and called more people to set up interviews.

*I was actually supposed to have two interviews today, the second at 4:30. I went up to the front at 4:30 to see if he had shown up. The girl there told me that no one had. While I was talking to her I noticed this goofy looking old man (one of our customers) standing there, but thought nothing of it. He looked slightly cross eyed and like his mouth was an imploding turtle beak. Since that was a washout I returned to the office. A few minutes later the girl who had been up in the front came back. She told me that after I had walked away the wizened fossil had commented on my being rather buxom. Something along the lines of "having a big set". He then apparently ripped a loud, rank fart and laughed about it before shuffling off.

*There are gnats in my kitchen. Ack! I hate gnats. Damn you summer and your bugs. So I've spent quite a bit of time today cleaning and bleaching the crap out of things. And because I'm like that, once I start I don't stop for a while.



  • At 8:42 AM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    "Nice funbags". Brrrrrr!

    "hurr hurr hurr" *shuffle*

    Who said romance was dead?

    Now that I think about it, that does bear some similarity to some of my evenings at home.....

    Except not creepy. :)

  • At 9:37 PM , Blogger Steph said...

    Haaaaahaha! I love crazy people. For a minute there I thought he was one of the job applicants :O

  • At 2:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yeah, you should totally have hired him. Because, you know, you want your business to fail...

  • At 2:49 AM , Blogger Winter said...

    Colonel - Nice.

    Steph - Thankfully he was not the applicant!

    Mark - Yeah, I think that sort of thing is an automatic "no hire". Kind of like the ex-stripper I interviewed the other day who called the manager from her first interview "the gay one" in the first thirty seconds I was talking to her.

  • At 3:08 AM , Blogger Stiletto said...

    while you're at it, feel free to come clean my place too! and there's a lot to be done so dont worry about having to stop for a while :)

  • At 5:44 AM , Blogger phishez said...

    BAH-HA! Don't you just love dirty old men> I bet for two bob, he'd've dropped his dacks and sung 'The Old Grey Mare'.

  • At 10:19 AM , Blogger MissE said...

    Now Fart-man sounds like a keeper. You really should have run out and after him. What were you thinking letting him go, winter?

    Gnats - I hate those little bastards. You kill a few for me, okay?

  • At 2:29 AM , Blogger Winter said...

    Stilleto - Oh, gee, thanks. Think I'll have to pass, things are still in disarray here! :)

    Phishez - Ew.

    btw, Thanks for stopping by!

    MissE - Did you know you can suck gnats up with the attatchemnt on your vaccuum? Handy fact I learned the other day.


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