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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two 'H' Things

I just got back from a showing of Harry Potter 5. Pretty good on the first viewing, but I was mostly taking in how they handled translating an 870 page novel into a two and a half hour movie. I'll have my final opinion after another viewing. Yes, I did reread the fifth novel, in, like, a day and a half, before watching the movie. I'm almost done with the six, so I'll be all caught up and ready for book seven on the 21st. I have a couple options on how to approach book seven. I can pick it up at midnight 20th/21st and try and read it before I have to go in at 6am. Probably not a good idea since I don't get off work until 8pm the night before and won't have time to sleep. I can pick it up at midnight and then go to bed without cracking it open. This is the stupid option. If I'm not going to read it right away there's no point in staying up late to get it when I have to work early. Plus I don't know how strong my willpower will be, and if I start reading I won't be able to stop until I'm done. Which leads me to my third and most likely option. I'll go after work on the 21st pick up a copy and some take out. Since I don't have to work the next day I'll go home and plow through it until I finish it.


Here's a weird random fact about me. I don't get the hiccups. I get a hiccup. Just one. This usually happens after I've had a small amount to eat or drink, but not right away. It sneaks up on me. And it's very loud. Like everybody-in-the-vicinity-turns-and-looks-at-you-funny type loud. I find myself explaining my problem about once a week. I don't mind people ripping on me for it, it is kind of funny, but I can't help it, dammit. And I'm not exaggerating it. People used to think that when I'd get a set of hiccups. They were so violent that if I kept my mouth shut and tried to suppress them my ribs would start to ache, but if I didn't they'd be so loud people thought I was faking. Either way I'd end up out of breath, being all loud and annoying. And they'd act like I was doing it on purpose.

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  • At 1:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So wait, do you get one hiccup or several loud ones? I don't get it.

  • At 8:06 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Sorry, I now realize that started making less sense as it went on. My defense is I'd only had an hour of sleep the night before, and it was late. :)

    I used to get normal (if loud) hiccups, now I just get one. A very loud one.

  • At 9:39 PM , Blogger Steph said...

    I really don't get the whole Harry Potter craze. I took my nephews to see the movie the other day and I was bored into a coma.
    I think it's over rated, but yeah, whatever floats your boat ;)

  • At 11:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Yep, I get it.

    And I second Steph. Alan Rickman is pretty awesome, and Hermione is kinda hot, but the rest of it I can do without.

  • At 8:45 AM , Blogger Shelley said...

    1) Weasley twins. (Shut up!)

    2) I understand your dilemma - I'm seeing a play on the 21st and can't figure out if I'll be able to finish before going or if it will ruin my night. Damn JK.

  • At 10:26 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Steph - That's cool. Everybody's got their things they like and the things that put them in a coma. :)

    Mark - Alan Rickman is fantastic. Whatever else can be said about the movies, I'll say that there was some pretty good casting.

    Nails - I've decided to just go after work on the 21st. HP marathon. Let's see at 50 to 100 pages an hour I should be done by dawn on Sunday. ;)

    Weasley twins huh? lol.


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