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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Nothing to Blog About

Hey how's it going? I'm losing my mind. For my management training I had to go to another location. The employees are driving me crazy. I have no one to talk to. Oh, they talk. All they do is talk, talk, talk, but they never actually say anything. All I've had to listen to for the past week is who's selling crack, so and so's boyfriend's time in jail, reminiscing about parole officers, "we sure had fun with that community service", who's looking to buy crack, where the recent drug raids have been, such and such is such a ho, "my boyfriend's kid went to school and told the class how his mom's boyfriend sells crack", how many other girls this one girl beat up, who's done what drugs, what stupid thing their baby's daddy did, who's a bitch, who's fat, who's a crackhead and so on.

So I'm pretty starved for conversation right now.

I got my first manager paycheck Friday, v. nice. I paid off half of what was left on my car, few more weeks and it's all mine. I was going to go get a new radio for my car. In the year and a half that I've had it I've not had a working radio. But after overhearing the one girl say that the radio was stolen out of her car while it was parked at work, and all things stealing-thing-for-crack-money considered, I think I'll wait. As soon as I'm done with training and go back I'll get one.

Moving on, I have the day off tomorrow and I have some items to tackle on my To Do List. I'm growing some plants form seeds, and they actually sprouted (yay!), so I'll have to put them in pots. Also I have to hunt down something to wear for my cousin's wedding next weekend. I have plenty of dress clothes, but nothing that really feels right for a summer afternoon wedding. Hopefully the shopping gods will smile favorably on me.



  • At 7:56 AM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    Sounds like what it was like going to school in fremont. It is the crack capital of ohio after all. Everytime I tell people I went to school there, that's what they remember it for.

    Sorry you have to work with such mongoloids. 4 more weeks, and it'll all be over, so try not to kill anyone.

  • At 4:09 PM , Blogger Steve said...

    Sorry you have to deal with those morons over there. Deep breaths now. It will all be over in a few weeks.

  • At 5:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What company do you work for? Crackwhoreburger?

  • At 8:03 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Julia & Steve - Thanks for the support guys! :)

    Mark - Lol. Pretty much.


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