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Monday, January 29, 2007

Emo Belt

I went shopping this weekend to pick up a few things, like pants. I needed a new pair for work you know, so I drove up to P-burg to hit a couple of shops (I also needed a pair of shoes for work that don't kill my feet). I ran into my boss and her son in the meijer parking lot, almost literally (neither one looked before walking out into the street). Then it was off to grab some shoes, temptation was resisted and I didn't buy any except the one pair I needed. Iron will power.

Then I quickly succeded in finding a pair of pants I liked that fit, much to my delight. Having completed my mission in record time, I picked up a couple other things and returned to the apartment. I was pulling my purchases out of the bag when I notice an odd look on my roommate's face. When I inquired he said, "That belt's kind of...emo." What?! It doesn't have spikes, it didn't come from HotTopic, It doesn't say "I *heart* livejournal" (although, if you were really emo wouldn't you say "I *whatever* livejournal"?).

So I gotta ask you, is it really, truly and emo belt?


  • At 3:26 PM , Blogger ScribbleMeTimbers said...

    I've seen emo-er belts. And since when did emo start becoming a brand name in clothing? I bet your roommate has a studded belt or two stashed away in his closet somewhere.

  • At 4:26 PM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    Hmmm....Not so much in my opinion. I would think pointier studs, and more hardware, maybe red and black stars or some skulls?

    I bought a belt at hot topic once. It had bottle caps on it with a seat belt buckle. It was awesome.

  • At 11:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Heh, I thought you were about to write about how you were living in the 'emo belt' - like, a region even more depressing than the bible belt. Sadly, it was not to be.

    PS: I want a picture of Colonel E's cool belt.

  • At 4:46 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Scribble - Not a brand so much as the psuedo-goth/punk style all the emo kids wear. And the roommate says that he owns no studded belts. :P

    Colonel E - See, that's what I'm talking about. And that is a sweet belt.

    Mark - Damn, that is so deep. I wish I had thought of that because it's so true! Damn, damn, damn.

    Oh well, guess I have something else to blog about now. ;) And I'll try and stalk Eggroll and get a picture of her belt for ya.


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