13 Secrets
::::OR "Things you may or may not know about me."
1. The best decisions I make, the ones that turn out the best and I don't regret, are the ones I make on the fly.
2. When I was eleven I decided to keep on believing even if that meant I was crazy.
3. My dreams make me question the nature of reality. Sometimes I wonder if I’m seeing my life in some parallel universe.
4. My left hand is ever so slightly longer than my right.
5. I find the idea of being a vegetarian to avoid being cruel to animals kind of silly. Plants can feel pain too. Where do you draw the line? When I see a tree being cut down simply because it’s in the way I can’t help but think of it as murder.
6. I’ve never shoplifted, toilet papered someone’s house, make a crank call, or done karaoke.
7. I really don’t think that I am unattractive.
8. If I could go back in my life with all the knowledge I have now I wouldn’t change a thing.
9. I hate green beans. I can’t even eat them anymore in spite of the fact I apparently loved thems so much when I was very little that I named my doll Green Bean.
10. I play role-playing games, including Dungeons and Dragons. I do it because of how much fun my friends and I have doing it. And I don’t care how dorky that makes me.
11. I’ve never slept with anyone. It’s not that I’m repressed, waiting for ‘the one’, because of religious reasons, or not had the opportunity; it just hasn’t happened. I don’t think anyone should have to ashamed by such a thing.
12. I love to read, but some of the works of the ‘literary greats’ bore the crap out of me. Ditto for some of poetry’s.
13. Thirteen is my lucky number.
1. The best decisions I make, the ones that turn out the best and I don't regret, are the ones I make on the fly.
2. When I was eleven I decided to keep on believing even if that meant I was crazy.
3. My dreams make me question the nature of reality. Sometimes I wonder if I’m seeing my life in some parallel universe.
4. My left hand is ever so slightly longer than my right.
5. I find the idea of being a vegetarian to avoid being cruel to animals kind of silly. Plants can feel pain too. Where do you draw the line? When I see a tree being cut down simply because it’s in the way I can’t help but think of it as murder.
6. I’ve never shoplifted, toilet papered someone’s house, make a crank call, or done karaoke.
7. I really don’t think that I am unattractive.
8. If I could go back in my life with all the knowledge I have now I wouldn’t change a thing.
9. I hate green beans. I can’t even eat them anymore in spite of the fact I apparently loved thems so much when I was very little that I named my doll Green Bean.
10. I play role-playing games, including Dungeons and Dragons. I do it because of how much fun my friends and I have doing it. And I don’t care how dorky that makes me.
11. I’ve never slept with anyone. It’s not that I’m repressed, waiting for ‘the one’, because of religious reasons, or not had the opportunity; it just hasn’t happened. I don’t think anyone should have to ashamed by such a thing.
12. I love to read, but some of the works of the ‘literary greats’ bore the crap out of me. Ditto for some of poetry’s.
13. Thirteen is my lucky number.
At 11:17 PM , Anonymous said...
Can I be the first to venture a connection between numbers 10 and 11? :P Seriously though, RPGs are cool, and so is waiting for the right time.
But karaoke is not on the level of shoplifting or vandalism, ok?
At 1:42 AM , colonel eggroll said...
Sorry, but mark's comment made me laugh just a little. =) But in all seriousness, do what your heart tells you, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
I've never karaoked (ied? however the hell you spell it) either! I've always kind of wanted to, but I just never had the balls. We should get drunk one night and do it! Then blog about it of course. It would be an adventure.
As for the literary greats thing, I totally agree. Wuthering Heights=snorefest. God, I hated that book.
At 3:03 PM , Winter said...
Mark - Oy! :P Might be true for male gamers...
You're right, karaoke is much worse ;)
Col. Eggroll - I totally laughed too! Thanks, you know that's how I am anyway.
Agreed, I like adventures. Although that's going to have to be a lot of drinking. And there's no question about it, we'd have to blog about it. :)
Great Gatsby = wanting to kill self.
At 10:56 PM , Anonymous said...
The Great Gatsby? I'm not even American and I love that book. Jeez.
But I think I better shut up before you decapitate me with your +6 two-handed sword.
At 12:45 AM , Winter said...
Weapons and armor only go up to +5 Mark, duh.
Oh damn, me and my big mouth.
At 12:13 PM , Aisling. said...
[12] God; tell me about it. I literally fell asleep during The Hobbit [which coincidentally put me off reading the Lord Of The Rings, even though I love the films & know they're great books].
&I'm glad you have self esteem & that you've lived such a good life tbh :]
At 12:09 AM , Winter said...
See now, I love all of Tolkien's works, but I realize that some people find them dry.
Thanks btw.
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