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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sparkly Stuff

I'll catch hell for this...

But there's nothing for it. I can't spend an evening watching tv this close to xmas without being inudated by commercials from jewelers for all sorts of diamondy baubles. And I have to say it, there are so many things I would prefer to get instead of diamond jewelry. Jeez, hundreds or thousands of dollars on some little rocks. I still sleep on a futon for fuck's sake. How 'bout hooking me up with a mattress. Or a flat screen tv. I'm not trying to be shallow, I just can't imagine being at a point in my life where I'd be like "Yay! Diamonds!"

I don't even like diamonds.

That's not to say I totally eschew all jewelry. I just like other things. I try to pick original pieces when I buy jewelry. For example I have this awesome hematite necklace. The pendant is a dragon carved from a piece of camel bone (don't worry they don't kill the camel [nasty buggers anyway from my understanding]; what happens is in certain countries they don't bury the camel when it dies [too close to sea-level], they leave it out in the desert for the scavengers and the sun dries the bones). And that's much cooler than some clear sparkly pebbles.


  • At 3:40 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I have a mate who says that diamonds aren't actually forever. They very slowly dissolve into random carbon atoms once they're taken out of the ground. Bummer, I'd say.

    And personally, I'd way rather a jet ski.

  • At 12:03 PM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    Really?? Wow. that really sucks considering how much they cost.

    I once read in cosmo that a survey taken indicated that 65% of women would prefer a plasma tv to a diamond.

    I'm glad that I'm not the only one who feels that way. Give me something I can use damnit!

  • At 11:44 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Mmmmmm....plasma tv....

  • At 2:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well I think diamond sublimation would take quite a while. Something in the order of millenia, maybe? But still a shorter period of time than 'forever' as advertised.


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