Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Slacking off

Ok, so sometimes I procrastinate. Ok, sometimes I do it a lot. I've had the tool bar for weeks (or months), but finally got around to trying out Stumble Upon. A few clicks and I was hooked. Especially since I stumbled upon some good things right away. So I figured I'd share a few of my finds since I'm very busy procrastinating about the post I was going to write.

Unbalanced I love this animation. Dork that I am, I laughed so hard at this. What's not to love about violent stick figure animation?

Creep Some one put a lot of work into this awesome video to the Radiohead song.

End of the World I had seen this one before, but it's funny so I thought I'd share.

Icon War Some one was very, very bored while staring at their desktop screen.


  • At 5:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I didn't click on most of these because of dialup suckiness, but icon war was neat.


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