Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Nothing to see here citizens

I finally have an opportunity to use the internet today. I really wanted to do a good post. Something witty or deep or at least interesting, however, I got nothing.

I've started to go to the gym again now that summer has wound down and I can actually stand to do a workout. It also helps that I'm done with the moving and down to one job instead of two. I'm trying to get into some kind of routine, but it's hard. I tend to decide on a whim what I'm going to do after getting done with work for the day. Right now I have crap shoes that I'm wearing to work so my foot is killing me and I have even less desire to workout. I must strengthen my resolve...

Other than a freaking crew meeting Saturday morning I have the entire weekend open and no plans. This could be a recipe for doing nothing. I think I'm going to get my hair cut. I'm craving some change, so I think I'll start with that.

My wardrobe could really use some help. I am a pack-rat, but lately I've been making an effort to get rid of stuff. Unfortunately a lot of it has been clothes. Granted many of them were clothes that I wasn't wearing. You know, the kind of stuff you would rather go naked than wear on laundry day. This has left me with 8 pairs of jeans, about ten assorted long and short sleeve t-shirts (most of which are black), three blouses, five tank tops, some uberfancy dresses, two fleeces, a sweater, and socks. (Yes I still have bras and underwear, but I kind of figured that it was a given and didn't need to be brought up). That's what I have to wear and it sucks.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to begin hounding my roommate about getting us teh intarwebternet at the apartment until it happens. Well, this is lame, I'm going to go watch some Firefly and/or Arrested development.


  • At 4:02 PM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    Do you finally have internet now biotch??


  • At 2:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Kickarse double feature right there.

    You know, I thought that was stacks of wardrobe and I was going to make some stupid joke about girls and clothes, until I did a quick tally of my own wardrobe / bedroom floor. You are kinda deprived.

    I'm probably going to post my 'wardrobe stats' btw, 'cause I too have nothing to write about.

  • At 4:41 PM , Blogger Winter said...

    Colonel Eggroll: Shut your mouth! ;) Hopefully I'll have internet NEXT monday.

    Mark: Ahah! Although, my roommate (also a guy) also has more clothes than me, so don't feel too bad. Wait a second! maybe I don't have enough clothes......maybe I need to go shopping......naaaah, I'd just buy books instead anyway.


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