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Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Meet Dimmie

Besides several bouts of intense staring, Faux-Physicist behaved himself today at work. It figures that he would make a liar out of me. He was being a smarmy kiss-ass because a different manager transferred in and I think he wanted to make a good impression. It doesn’t matter Faux-Physicist, they’re not going to make you a manager. Since one of the managers is my roommate and the other is the esteemed Radish King (another of my allies), and the thrid has no will power you don’t stand a chance. They just haven’t told you yet because they a.) are lazy and b.) don’t want you to quit just yet.

I ended up staying over for an hour yesterday. I was supposed to leave at three; instead I wound up trying to train the woman (Dimmie) who was originally supposed to take over for me. Me and Dimmie had a lot of fun. Dimmie has an overbite, which I never equate with fuckloads of intelligence. I was not proven wrong. When she smiles she just shows you that bottom row of teeth.
Here’s how the conversation went for about two hours:

Dimmie: What time do you leave?
Me: Four.
Dimmie: Are you staying just to train me? *Gives me the bottow row of teeth*
Me: Yeah, well there aren’t enough people here anyway. Okay how do you make this one?
Dimmie: *pointing* Um, that, uh, that, and…
Me: What are those things?
Dimmie: *pointing again* Oh! Um, mayo, uh, uh, hmm, ketchup…*uncomfortable long pause*…tomato…
Me: No, it’s mayo, tomato and lettuce
Dimmie: Oh yeah. And mustard?
Me: No, just mayo, tomato and lettuce. Then bacon and cheese because it’s a bacon cheesburger.
Dimmie: Right, right.
Dimmie: Which one are we talking about again?
*I turned to my colleague and pantomimed killing myself, she laughed at me. Dimmie meanwhile stands in idle, jaw jutting out, sucking at her teeth.*
Me: Ok, then. Have we made all the sandwiches for this order?
*Dimmie scrutinized the screen like it was the Rosetta Stone*
Dimmie: There’s another one there too!
*There wasn’t.*
Dimmie: Hey, hey, are you staying just to train me? *teeth*
Me: No. Why don’t you go to the back and find me some lettuce?


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