Welcome to the Event Horizon

Event Horizon - n. the boundary around a black hole on and within which no matter can escape.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Is it still drizzling outside?

-I could have gotten my very unintelligent co-worker Dimmie fired today. The opportunity was there. There is no question, if I had taken action, she would have been fired. The terrible wrath of the Radish King would have been upon her. I could have, but didn't. As annoying as she is I would have felt bad for getting her fired. I've only ever gotten one person fired (he threatened me in front of a manager, smart move), and there were only, maybe two or three others I might have acted against if given the chance. I could have also warned her that her current actions, if espied by the manager, would get her fired. Instead I chose the path of neutrality. I did nothing. Maybe deep down I'm a good person and didn't want Dimmie to be out of a job. Maybe it was pity. Maybe I didn't want the bad Karma. Whatever the reason, Dimmie is going to be around for a little while longer.

Which is actually pretty funny considering what I learned today. Dimmie has the hots for my roommate (another one of our managers). I was told she went on for "like, an hour" about how hot she thinks he is and how nice he is. Upon learning this I could only laugh with mischievous glee. This is especially funny because my roommate cannot stand her. His response was something along the lines of "ughk".

-Since I have no intarwebternet at home I must use the library computer lab. I don't really like it because a lot of the stuff I read makes me laugh, and random giggling in a lab is a little embarassing. And now that I'm all the way over here, I realize that I didn't bring the doohicky that I keep my files on so I can upload a new comic today. I am sad.

-The Theatrical version of the original Star Wars movies are being released today. Oh, happy nerdvana. I refused to buy the original series on DVD until the theatrical version was released since I feel that the Special Edition and the newer Special Special Edition are crap. I was afraid that we'd have to wait for George Lucas to die before Lucasfilm would be able to release the theatrical version. I figure they wore him down with this argument: "C'mon Dude, we are going to make a buttload more money."

-Saturday night Colonel Eggroll and I went out to the bars. At our second stop we were amused to find the place, usually a haven for twenty-somethings, peopled by a much older crowd. Our town was having an arts festival last weekend. The middle-aged patrons must have left the festival and feeling that the night was still young decided to hit the town. They were laughing, loud, dancing, and drunk. I guess somethings can remain unchanged by a marriage, two mortgages, and three kids.

The night fit into my theory that you can never meet anybody in this town that you don't already somehow, some way know through somebody or something else. Our friend was chatting up this guy when Col. Eggroll says to me "I went to high school with that guy" Turns out so did our friend and he was the first guy she ever kissed. She spent the next five minutes after the realization hit going "OH MY GOD! Oh my god!" and laughing. The two of them were catching up when I notice the girl next to this guy was grabbing his inner thigh and then proceeded to grab his crotch. Hopefully she was his girlfriend.

After our beers at the first bar Col. E and I just got waters at the second. I have to tell you it was one of the best, most refreshing drinks I've had at a bar in ages. Col. E entrusted her water to me whilst she went to the bathroom. I was standing there, holding two waters, watching our friends and strangers, listening to the band when I suddenly had a moment. A moment of calmness and clarity. I wanted something to happen. I don't know what, something interesting or exciting I guess. I was this island of waiting in a sea of happening, but nothing was happening to me.

And then Colonel Eggroll came back from the bathroom and we decided to go get us some McCrackdonalds. And on the way home we passed a dead squirrel laying on the sidewalk, laying perfectly straight. And that was kind of weird.


  • At 8:04 AM , Blogger colonel eggroll said...

    Aww. Poor squirrel. I felt sorry for the little guy. Although I am wondering how he got on the sidewalk in the first place.

    I always laugh at the 13 and 14 year olds that go to the library computer lab to look at pseudo risque material (ie chicks in bikinis), and when you walk past, they look all guilty/try to close their browser real fast. I love to make them feel uncomfortable.

  • At 9:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I grew up in a suburb where you were always bumping into people you knew, but I like to look down on the people who still live there. It's such a small world and all. (Never mind that the world outside is cold and indifferent - I still like to feel superior).

    Kewl post, btw.


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